Clip-Vielfalt im Doppelpack: Edelstahl Brotdosen Bundle – Softclip 780ml & Hardclip 800ml
Clip-Vielfalt im Doppelpack: Edelstahl Brotdosen Bundle – Softclip 780ml & Hardclip 800ml

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Unser unschlagbares Edelstahl-Brotdosen-Bundle: 780ml & 800ml!
Entdecke die Welt der Clips mit unserem exklusiven Edelstahl Brotdosen Bundle! Das Set enthält die beliebten Varianten Softclip 780ml und Hardclip 800ml – die perfekte Kombination für alle, die beide Clip-Typen ausprobieren möchten. Hol dir jetzt das Doppelpack und sichere dir die Flexibilität, die du brauchst. Immer einen Ersatz zur Hand zu haben war noch nie so praktisch!
🌟 1 x Hardclips: Unsere Brotdosen verfügen über harte Clips, die fest und sicher verschließen. So bleibt die Mahlzeit deiner Kinder unberührt.
🌟 1 x Softclips: Unsere speziell entwickelten Softclip-Verschlüsse sind perfekt darauf ausgerichtet, kleinen Kindern und Kleinkindern das sichere Öffnen und Schließen einer Box zu erleichtern. Sie lassen sich mühelos bedienen, sind kinderleicht zu öffnen und zu schließen, dabei aber frei von scharfen Kanten. Sicherheit und Komfort für die Kleinsten – mit unseren Softclip-Verschlüssen wird das Handling kinderleicht!
🌟 Brotdose Edelstahl: Unsere hochwertigen Edelstahl-Brotdosen sind für den dauerhaften Einsatz gemacht und garantieren Langlebigkeit.
🌟 Abnehmbare Trennwände: Mit den abnehmbaren Trennwänden kannst du die Mahlzeiten flexibel gestalten und auf die Vorlieben deiner Kinder abstimmen.
🌟 Auslaufsicher: Unsere Lunchboxen aus Edelstahl sind zu 100% auslaufsicher, damit du dir keine Gedanken über unerwünschte Überraschungen in der Schultasche machen musst.
🌟 Spülmaschinenfest: Die Reinigung ist ein Kinderspiel – unsere Brotdosen sind spülmaschinenfest.
Hol dir jetzt unser unschlagbares Edelstahl-Brotdosen-Bundle und erlebe die Vorteile hochwertiger, nachhaltiger Brotdosen, die speziell für Schulkinder entwickelt wurden. Qualität und Funktionalität, die Kinder lieben! Bestelle noch heute und sichere dir diese einzigartige Gelegenheit.
Bundle Inhalt:
Bundle Inhalt:
1 x Softclip 780ml
1 x Hardclip 800ml
Garantie & Rückgabe
Garantie & Rückgabe
We want to make you happy with our products and guarantee you an uncomplicated shopping experience. With the Sattvii® satisfaction guarantee , you can be sure that you have a contact person with your product, even if something goes wrong.
customer support
If you have any questions about your Sattvii® stainless steel lunch box or accessories, you can always contact our customer support. We will help you quickly and easily with your question or problem.
3 year manufacturer guarantee
Sattvii® stainless steel lunch boxes are robust and durable products with a very high quality of workmanship. However, sometimes things can go wrong during production. If your product has defects, you can easily have it replaced with a new lunch box within 3 years.
Free returns
You have received your Sattvii® stainless steel lunch box but you don't like it? Then send it back to us within 14 days with the free return. We will then refund your money immediately.

Häufige Fragen
Was sind Sattvii® EcoSafe Dichtungen?
EcoSafe seals from Sattvii® are sustainable, plastic-free and biodegradable . As the starting material for our plastic-free seals, we use silicone that is harmless to health and plastic-free.
When we hear the term silicone, many of us instinctively think of a petroleum-based plastic from which seals for windows, doors and containers are made. But that is wrong! Silicone is not plastic.
This is what differentiates silicone from plastic
Silicone is made up of silicon atoms and Oxygen atoms which are artificially connected to each other, but are essentially two naturally occurring raw materials. As a result, silicone has unique advantages that clearly distinguish it from plastic:
- Silicone does not evaporate
- Silicone is free of plastic and petroleum (of course BPA free)
- Silicone is tasteless
- Silicone is durable and strong
- Silicone is harmless to health
- Silicone degrades much faster than plastic
- Silicone can be broken down by microbes
This makes it clear why we use silicone for our seals instead of the much cheaper plastic seals. This is the only way we can achieve a long-lasting, sustainable and non-hazardous overall product.
Haben Sattvii® Edelstahl Brotdosen Trennwände?
So that you can portion your meals perfectly, we have two different concepts for our stainless steel lunch boxes and bento boxes.
Removable dividers
Some of our stainless steel lunch boxes and bento boxes come with one or two removable dividers. These dividers allow you to define areas in the lunch box to separate different foods.
If you want to clean your lunch box, you can easily remove the partition from the lunch box and put it in the dishwasher or clean it by hand.

Stackable bento box
With our bento boxes, we rely on the stackable bento principle. In addition to the dividers, you can easily stack your boxes on top of each other to separate different foods.
You can also transport foods with a high liquid content such as cucumbers or tomatoes and dry foods such as crackers or biscuits together.
With the mini containers you see in the picture, you can also pack nuts, sauces or dips safely. This table shows you exactly which lunch boxes come with dividers and bento boxes:
product |
partition wall | Stackable |
1 x |
no | |
1 x |
no | |
2x |
no | |
None |
no | |
1 x | no | |
2x |
no | |
1 x | no | |
None | Yes |
Was macht Sattvii® Lunchboxen nachhaltig?
With our products, we attach great importance to sustainable and climate-neutral production and climate-neutral shipping of our products.
This applies to the entire manufacturing chain, from raw materials to delivery to you. But even with the materials used, we pay attention to the most sustainable possible selection of raw materials.

climate neutrality
Unfortunately, stainless steel products cannot yet be manufactured without CO2. In order to still produce climate-neutrally, we compensate the entire CO2 emissions through projects that bind CO2 .
We offset all emissions that are emitted during the manufacture of our lunch boxes through our partner Climatepartner. The following areas of production are compensated for our products:
- raw materials
- manufacturing
- import
- Packaging
- storage
The shipping of our lunch boxes is also completely climate-neutral. We ship our products via our partner DHL GoGreen.
Sustainable materials
In addition to offsetting emissions, we also try to use environmentally friendly raw materials that actively avoid waste when it comes to the materials themselves.

Durable stainless steel
Our products are deliberately made of stainless steel. Because we are firmly convinced that robust, durable products have a better ecological balance than plastic lunch boxes. Because instead of buying a new lunch box every year, lunch boxes from Sattvii® last a lifetime.
EcoSafe seals
Our removable EcoSafe seals are biodegradable, sustainable and free of plastic or BPA. Our Sattvii ® lunch boxes are healthy, easy to clean and yet durable.
Environmentally friendly packaging
We use paper instead of plastic for our packaging. Paper is much easier to recycle and is biodegradable, which is why we use paper packaging wherever possible.
3 Jahre Garantie
Unsere Brotdosen sind aus hochwertigem Edelstahl hergestellt, und dafür konzipiert, ein Leben lang zu halten.
Kostenlose Retoure
Wenn dir deine Brotdose nicht gefällt, kannst du Sie einfach kostenlos zu uns zurücksenden.